Header Section

Full-screen video background showcasing nature or air purification. An animated one-liner about Fatin appears as the user scrolls, emphasizing key benefits or features.

[Placeholder for full-screen product image or 3D model]

Interactive Product Showcase & Features

Display a 3D model or high-quality image of Fatin as a dynamic background. As the user scrolls, highlight different features of the product. Each feature should fade in, then out as the next one appears, creating a smooth transition of information.

Air Quality Visualizer

[Placeholder for interactive charts]

Create animated charts and infographics demonstrating air quality improvement over time. Use a sleek, modern design with smooth transitions between data points. The visualization should update in real-time, showing the progressive impact of Fatin.

Phytoremediation & Sustainability Explainer

[Placeholder for Fatin's internal components]

Display Fatin's internal layout as a scrolling background. Use a two-column layout: one for images of components, another for explanatory text. As the user scrolls, highlight different components while fading others. Conclude with a bold headline: "100% Sustainable Air Purification!"

Benefits & Future Vision Roadmap

Fatin Milestone 1

[Milestone description]

Fatin Milestone 2

[Milestone description]

Fatin Milestone 3

[Milestone description]

Create a horizontal scrolling timeline fixed in the middle of the screen. As the user scrolls, the timeline moves from right to left, showcasing different milestones one at a time. Each milestone should provide a glimpse into Fatin's evolution and future capabilities.

Interactive Waitlist Signup

Encourage users to "Make a Difference" by joining the waitlist. Design an engaging email signup process that emphasizes the user's role in creating a cleaner, healthier environment.


Design a modern, compact footer that encapsulates Fatin's eco-friendly ethos. Include essential links and social media icons, styled to match the overall theme.